Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Military S

There is one issue in the Brexit debate on which there is an
eloquent silence, but I am sure weighed heavily on the mind
of Boris Johnson at least, and that is Defense. Russia has its own
missiles, France its own missile Defense but the UK relies on
the United States for missiles and missile testing. The other
European military power - Germany - isn't armed at the moment but
has the industrial base and expertise to proceed. That simple.

So when David Cameron said it was in or out with an evolving EU,
he was certainly referring to that aspect, as well.

This might explain why the Brexit camp appears fed up, and just wants
to get Brexit done with!!

                                          *     *     *

Someone asked me what 'withdrawing the whip' meant in British politics.
I answered it meant the person could no longer bear the colors of
a political party in an election, which is effectively true. Below, the story
behind the expression:

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