Sunday, September 8, 2019


It's even a little bit frightening how strong and
polarized feelings on Brexit are currently running in
Britain; like no matter what happens, a lot of people
are going to feel really bad about it and want to 'reverse'
things. So there might be violence, but it won't be in

I am tempted to say Time Out, Everybody Chill. The EU is
a trade deal, and the organization runs exchange programs
for students. Why all the acrimony?

Because Eurostar prices are scandalous? No need to blame the
EU for that. As someone who has lived through the hopeful growth
years of the 1970s, yes there are a lot of scandalous prices around.
And it is a nightmare to pay for television. And worse of all, there is
a tone of falseness to things, official figures are often just that: official.
We live cramped lives in a lookgood world.

On the plus side, the coffee is a lot better. I'm outta here!

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