Sunday, September 1, 2019


For recall, we live on a globe - a Riemann space 🌎- thus, a sphere.
Keeping track of hurricane Dorian, it struck me this morning that
the hurricane is pretty much just to the South of Montreal as of
this morning.

Montreal is at 73° West (as is Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu).

So if it were to stop dead and drift North on a heat dissipation gradient, we
would be drenched.

Let's see what happens next...

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Gay Pride has been one of those issues I have been really happy
not to talk about for years. It's a confused concept, but those parades
are colorful and fun, and if gays want to party as a family, good on them.

But now some disruptive straights just had to go and ruin the whole thing
and parade for Heterosexuality Pride (Boston) And of course, many object
to this and counter-parade.

The joke on Buzzfeed is that Hetero Pride is sooo Gay. I'm not so

Pride is the Fall of Man, because it is an aggressive emotion. Most people
don't hornblow their sexual orientation because of modesty (la pudeur).
One needs pride of self to manage sexuality, but sexuality itself does
best as a private matter. And more than enough said.

So why an exception for Gay Pride? Because gays - who make a point
of not hitting on others inappropriately, women in particular - are modest.
Love those parades!!

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