Friday, August 16, 2024


 Have found two approaches that run a qiskit circuit in simulation:

 Method 1, which involves compiling the circuit:


Method 2, which runs a sampler:


Trying for a statevector approach next...

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re: specifying 'qasm_simulator'):


Qiskit; if I am using AerSimulator, does specifying the backend as 'qasm_simulator' add anything?


When using Qiskit’s AerSimulator, specifying the backend as 'qasm_simulator' doesn’t add any additional functionality since AerSimulator is designed to be a more advanced and flexible simulator. The AerSimulator can mimic the QasmSimulator and offers additional features like different simulation methods (e.g., statevector, density matrix, stabilizer) and noise models1.

If you specify 'qasm_simulator', it essentially configures the AerSimulator to behave like the QasmSimulator, which is useful if you want to maintain compatibility with older code or specific configurations.

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Method 3...(measure_all() is a classical method, so it is dropped here.)


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