Friday, August 9, 2024



Quantum Computing; what is a half-adder


A half adder is a fundamental circuit used in both classical and quantum computing. Let me break it down for you:

Classical Half Adder:

A half adder adds two single-digit binary numbers (0 or 1) and produces a two-digit output: a sum bit and a carry bit.

It computes the logical AND (multiplication modulo 2) and XOR (addition modulo 2) of the input bits.

The half adder consists of an XOR gate (for sum) and an AND gate (for carry).

However, it cannot handle multi-bit numbers; for that, we need a full adder1.

Quantum Half Adder:

In quantum computing, a half adder circuit adds two numbers represented in bits.

It performs column-wise addition and uses carry-over bits to achieve the addition of multi-bit numbers.

If you’re curious about the quantum implementation, there’s a great video on it here by Ashwin Kulkarni2! 🚀

Feel free to explore more about this fascinating topic! 😊

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Why must quantum adders be reversible


Quantum adders must be reversible due to the fundamental principles of quantum computing. Let me explain:


In classical computing, most operations are not reversible. For example, if you add two numbers, you can’t uniquely determine the original inputs from the result.

However, in quantum computing, reversibility is crucial. Quantum gates must be reversible because they preserve quantum states.

Reversible operations ensure that we can always trace back from the output state to the input state.

No Information Loss:

Quantum bits (qubits) can exist in superpositions of states, allowing for parallel computation.

When we perform an operation on qubits, we must avoid information loss. Irreversible operations would collapse the superposition and lose information.

Conservation of Probability:

Reversible gates maintain the total probability of all possible states. This is essential for quantum algorithms.

If a gate were irreversible, it would violate the conservation of probability.

Quantum Half Adder Example:

In a quantum half adder, reversible gates (such as CNOT and Toffoli) are used to compute the sum and carry bits.

These gates ensure that the input states can be uniquely reconstructed from the output states.

In summary, reversibility is a fundamental requirement in quantum computing to harness the power of superposition and avoid information loss. 🌟

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