Saturday, August 24, 2024

No of Bits


Mathematics; is there a formula that allows me to predict how many bit it takes to encode a decimal number, say 164?

Certainly! To find the number of bits needed to encode a decimal integer like 164, you can use the following formula:

Number of bits=⌊log2​(n)⌋+1

Here, (n) represents the decimal integer. Let’s calculate it for 164:

Compute (\log_2(164)):

(\log_2(164) \approx 7.006)

Take the floor value: (\left\lfloor 7.006 \right\rfloor = 7)

Add 1: (7 + 1 = 8)

So, 164 requires 8 bits for binary representation. 🌟

If you’d like to convert 164 to binary directly, it is (10100100_2)

                                                           *     *     *

Was wondering what query gates are...


On Quantum Composer:

These are the probilities from IBM quantum Composer. If I ask for the state ofthe 

individual qubits after measurement, they will both appear as 1. That is because this simulator

shows the measured state qubit after measurement.


I am in the queue to actually run this simple circuit on ibm_sherbrooke.


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