Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Rainy day...

Thinking it might be fun to work up a time-consuming function, and 

run it both as a python function, and a quantum one. Just to see!!


If I run a python program on my (Windows 11) tablet is there any way I can find out how long it 

took to execute?


Certainly! You can measure the execution time of a Python program using several methods. Here are a few options:

Wall Time (Total Elapsed Time): This measures the total time elapsed during execution, including waiting time for resources. You can use the time.time() function to get the wall time in seconds1.

CPU Execution Time: This measures the time the CPU spends actively processing your program’s instructions. It excludes waiting time for other tasks (like I/O operations). To get the CPU execution time, use time.process_time()1.

Using the timeit Module: The timeit module provides a convenient way to measure execution time for small code snippets. It runs your code multiple times and returns the total time taken2.

Function-Specific Timing: If you want to measure the execution time of a specific function, you can use timeit.timeit() with the appropriate setup and statement3.

Choose the method that best suits your needs, and you’ll be able to accurately measure the execution time of your Python program! 😊 

                                              *     *     *


import time

start_time = time.time()  # Record the start time

# Your time-consuming task goes here

end_time = time.time()    # Record the end time

elapsed_time = end_time - start_time

print(f"The task took {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds to complete.")

                                           *     *     *

As expected, the python code fared better than the qiskit code for a simulator

running with python.

For yesterday's code finding that number 9 is odd:


Running on pure python:


Running on an actual quantum machine is quite different. Long story short, all

a true quantum computer does is evaluate circuits!

I'm in the queue at ibm_sherbrooke with a two qubit circuit. We'll see tomorrow


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