Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 Solved my ongoing problem of getting counts from a python list. Actually, ChatGPT4 Pro

solved it. Below, a complete sequence:

I kept getting 'dict object is not callable' because I was calling it. The correct procedure

is not 'pub_result = result()[0]' but 'pub_result = result[0]'.😀

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The error message "TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'" arises because you are attempting to use a dictionary (`pub_result.data.meas.get_counts()`) as a key in a new dictionary, which is not allowed in Python. Dictionary keys must be immutable data types, such as strings, numbers, or tuples [[6](https://www.dataquest.io/blog/python-dictionaries/)]. 

To access the counts, you should use the dictionary returned by `get_counts()` directly. Here's how you can modify your code:

pub_result = result[0]
counts = pub_result.data.meas.get_counts()

This code will first retrieve the dictionary of counts and store it in the `counts` variable. Then, it will print the `counts` dictionary.

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From Copilot:

In Qiskit 1.2, both the Estimator and Sampler classes are used for different purposes in quantum computing, and they have distinct functionalities:


Purpose: The Estimator is used to calculate the expectation values of observables for given quantum states.
Functionality: It runs quantum circuits and measures the expectation values of specified observables. This is useful for tasks like variational algorithms where you need to evaluate the expectation value of a Hamiltonian.
Output: The result is the expectation value of the observable for the state prepared by the circuit.
Deprecation: As of Qiskit 1.2, the Estimator class is deprecated and will be replaced by the StatevectorEstimator1.


Purpose: The Sampler is used to sample bitstrings from the probability distribution defined by the quantum state.
Functionality: It runs quantum circuits and samples the resulting bitstrings. This is useful for tasks like probabilistic sampling and Monte Carlo simulations.
Output: The result is a set of sampled bitstrings, which represent the measurement outcomes of the quantum circuits.
Deprecation: Similarly, the Sampler class is deprecated in Qiskit 1.2 and will be replaced by the StatevectorSampler2.

In summary, the Estimator focuses on calculating expectation values, while the Sampler focuses on sampling bitstrings from the quantum state. Both are essential for different types of quantum algorithms and applications.

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