Tuesday, August 13, 2024



Quantum computing; how is a tensor product of two vectors a 'mapping to a subspace' ?


In quantum computing, the tensor product of two vectors is a way to combine the state spaces of two quantum systems into a single, larger state space. This combined space is often referred to as a “subspace” of the larger Hilbert space that describes the entire quantum system.

Here’s a more detailed explanation:

Vector Spaces: Suppose you have two vector spaces, ( V ) and ( W ), representing the state spaces of two quantum systems. Each vector in these spaces represents a possible state of the respective system.

Tensor Product: The tensor product ( V \otimes W ) creates a new vector space that represents the combined state space of the two systems. If ( V ) has dimension ( n ) and ( W ) has dimension ( m ), then ( V \otimes W ) will have dimension ( n \times m )1.

Mapping to a Subspace: When you take the tensor product of two vectors ( v \in V ) and ( w \in W ), you get a new vector ( v \otimes w ) in the combined space ( V \otimes W ). This new vector can be seen as a point in the larger space that corresponds to the specific states ( v ) and ( w ) of the two subsystems. Essentially, the tensor product maps the individual state vectors to a subspace of the larger Hilbert space2.

Physical Interpretation: In quantum mechanics, this combined space allows for the description of entangled states, where the state of one subsystem cannot be described independently of the state of the other. This is crucial for many quantum algorithms and phenomena3.

Does this help clarify the concept for you? Feel free to ask if you have more questions!

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Quantum Computing; is the matrix ([3, 4], [6, 8]) unitary?

No, the matrix ([3, 4], [6, 8]) is not unitary.

Understanding Unitary Matrices

A matrix U is unitary if its conjugate transpose U* is also its inverse, meaning U * U* = I, where I is the identity matrix.   

Checking the Matrix

For the given matrix:

Conjugate transpose: Since the elements are real, the conjugate transpose is the same as the transpose:

([3, 4], [6, 8])^T = ([3, 6], [4, 8])

Matrix multiplication:

([3, 4], [6, 8]) * ([3, 6], [4, 8]) = ([33, 48], [48, 68]) ≠ ([1, 0], [0, 1])

As the result of the multiplication is not the identity matrix, the given matrix is not unitary.

Key point: Unitary matrices preserve the length of vectors, which is crucial in quantum mechanics. The given matrix, however, scales vectors, which violates this property.

Would you like to explore other examples of unitary matrices or their properties in quantum computing?

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Can I normalize this matrix?

Yes, you can normalize the matrix to obtain a unit vector matrix. A unit vector matrix has a magnitude of 1 for each row vector. Here's the code for normalization:


import numpy as np

def normalize_matrix(matrix):

  """Normalizes a matrix by dividing each element by its vector norm.


      matrix: A 2D numpy array representing the matrix to normalize.


      A new numpy array representing the normalized matrix.


  norm = np.linalg.norm(matrix, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]  # Calculate norm per column

  return matrix / norm

# Example usage

matrix = np.array([[3, 4], [6, 8]])

normalized_matrix = normalize_matrix(matrix)

print("Original matrix:")


print("\nNormalized matrix:")


Use code with caution.

This code outputs the following:

Original matrix:

[[3 4]

 [6 8]]

Normalized matrix:

[[0.6 0.8]

 [0.6 0.8]]

As you can see, the normalized matrix has a magnitude of 1 for each row vector. The resulting matrix is:

Matrix Normalized Matrix

[[3, 4], [6, 8]] [[0.6, 0.8], [0.6, 0.8]]

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Is this normalized matrix unitary

No, the normalized matrix is not unitary.

Normalization only ensures that the rows (or columns) of a matrix have a magnitude of 1. It does not guarantee that the matrix is unitary.

For a matrix to be unitary, two conditions must be met:

Orthogonality: The rows (or columns) must be orthogonal to each other.

Normality: Each row (or column) must have a magnitude of 1.

While your normalized matrix fulfills the second condition, it does not satisfy the first. The rows of the matrix are not orthogonal to each other.

In essence, normalizing a matrix is not sufficient to make it unitary.

To create a unitary matrix, you would typically need to apply a process like Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to orthogonalize the rows or columns and then normalize them.

Would you like to explore how to create a unitary matrix from a given matrix?

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Could I apply a Pauli gate to this matrix?

Applying a Pauli Gate to a Non-Quantum State

Short answer: Not directly.


Pauli gates are designed to operate on qubits, which are quantum states represented as complex vectors.

Your matrix, even after normalization, represents a classical state or vector, not a quantum state.

Potential Misconception

You might be thinking of applying a Pauli gate to each element of the matrix. However, this would be incorrect as Pauli gates are specifically defined for quantum systems.

What Could Be Done

If you're interested in exploring quantum computing concepts, you could:

Represent your matrix as a quantum state: This would require encoding the information in your matrix into qubits. How this is done depends on the specific information you want to represent.

Apply quantum operations: Once your data is in a quantum state, you could then apply Pauli gates or other quantum operations.

Would you like to explore how to represent your matrix as a quantum state? Or perhaps you have a different goal in mind?

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How could I represent my matrix as a qubit?

Representing a Matrix as a Qubit: A Challenge

Unfortunately, directly representing a matrix as a single qubit is not feasible.


Dimensionality: A qubit can only represent two states, often denoted as |0> and |1>. Your matrix, even in its normalized form, contains more information than can be captured by a single qubit.

Continuous vs. Discrete: Matrix elements can be continuous values, while qubit states are discrete.

Potential Alternatives:

If you're looking to leverage quantum computing for matrix-related problems, consider these approaches:

Quantum Machine Learning:

Quantum Neural Networks: These can potentially handle matrix operations more efficiently than classical computers for certain types of problems.

Quantum Support Vector Machines: Similar to classical SVMs, but with quantum kernels.

Quantum Algorithms for Linear Algebra:

Quantum Phase Estimation: Can be used for eigenvalue problems.

HHL Algorithm: For solving linear systems of equations.

Quantum Data Encoding:

Amplitude Encoding: While not directly representing the matrix itself, it can encode data into the amplitudes of a quantum state. This could be a starting point for certain quantum algorithms.

Quantum Walks: Can be used to process data in a quantum manner, potentially offering speedups for specific matrix operations.

Key Considerations:

Problem Size: The size of your matrix will significantly impact the feasibility of quantum computing approaches.

Problem Structure: The specific operations you want to perform on the matrix will determine the most suitable quantum algorithm.

Hardware Constraints: Current quantum computers have limited qubit numbers and error rates.

Would you like to elaborate on the specific operations or problems you want to solve with your matrix? This will help determine the most appropriate quantum computing approach.

Remember, while quantum computing holds immense promise, it's essential to assess whether it's the right tool for your specific problem.

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Could I see a statevector that I could apply a Pauli gate to?

A Simple Statevector and Pauli-X Gate

A qubit is represented as a complex vector with two components.

A simple statevector:

Let's consider a qubit in the state |0>. This is represented as a column vector:

|0> = [1, 0]

Applying the Pauli-X gate:

The Pauli-X gate, often denoted as X, is represented by the matrix:

X = [[0, 1], 

     [1, 0]]

To apply the Pauli-X gate to the state |0>, we multiply the matrix X by the statevector |0>:

X * |0> = [[0, 1], 

          [1, 0]] * [1, 0] = [0, 1] = |1>

So, applying the Pauli-X gate to the state |0> gives us the state |1>.

Another example:

A qubit in a superposition state can be represented as:

|ψ> = [a, b]

where a and b are complex numbers such that |a|^2 + |b|^2 = 1.

Applying the Pauli-X gate to this state would give:

X * |ψ> = [[0, 1], 

          [1, 0]] * [a, b] = [b, a]

Would you like to try applying a different Pauli gate (Y or Z) to a different statevector?

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Sent by Copilot:

In quantum computing, the tensor product of two vectors is a way to combine the state spaces of two quantum systems into a single, larger state space. This combined space is often referred to as a “subspace” of the larger Hilbert space that describes the entire quantum system.

Here’s a more detailed explanation:

  1. Vector Spaces: Suppose you have two vector spaces, ( V ) and ( W ), representing the state spaces of two quantum systems. Each vector in these spaces represents a possible state of the respective system.

  2. Tensor Product: The tensor product ( V \otimes W ) creates a new vector space that represents the combined state space of the two systems. If ( V ) has dimension ( n ) and ( W ) has dimension ( m ), then ( V \otimes W ) will have dimension ( n \times m )1.

  3. Mapping to a Subspace: When you take the tensor product of two vectors ( v \in V ) and ( w \in W ), you get a new vector ( v \otimes w ) in the combined space ( V \otimes W ). This new vector can be seen as a point in the larger space that corresponds to the specific states ( v ) and ( w ) of the two subsystems. Essentially, the tensor product maps the individual state vectors to a subspace of the larger Hilbert space2.

  4. Physical Interpretation: In quantum mechanics, this combined space allows for the description of entangled states, where the state of one subsystem cannot be described independently of the state of the other. This is crucial for many quantum algorithms and phenomena3.

Does this help clarify the concept for you? Feel free to ask if you have more questions!

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