Monday, February 5, 2018

Lesson: Browser Recognition

There are things a developer can always look up and find
faced with a concrete problem.

One area of problem is the predomiance of mobile devices. A browser on
a mobile device cannot always be trusted to adapt to problematic situations
or lax coding, as a browser on a larger computer can. For this reason, an xml
standard was developed; what it boils down to to is a very strict application
of all html conventions: all tags closed, small case in opening and closing, language
property specified...etc

The fact html has evolved also can cause issues: tags that used to be accepted -
like applet - are not recognized in html5; and the latter does create new ones
like section. If one expects one's work to appear in browsers from different generations,
one should check for this. In the case of html compliance, one might decide to  'create'
as new entities things like  applet and section, which only some browsers recognize.

If one ever plans to put out something like a planetary game, there are quite a few things
to worry about, translation being one of them. Platforms will offer guidelines on this.

There exists a number of useful utilities in this regard, like a px to em converter,
keyboard shortcuts in various languages...etc.

One needs to be very careful with urls. these can never contain spaces and must always use the
ASCI character set.

One can use cookies on a user's siter, and web workers in the background. I had a surprise
the other day when I arrived on a web utility site: I would be welcome to use the service, but I
would be mining bitcoin while I was there!!

source: W3 Schools
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One can draw, and even animate, in an htlm page using the canvas element
and context(2d). Essentially, it is an interface that one needs to invoke, and which one
is then free to draw with.

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I'm baaaad! I've just found how to embed a YouTube video on a screen size
of my choice, and without all the features...

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