Saturday, February 3, 2018


It's a prominent aspect of Wikipedia: a link that one doesn't click
but merely glosses over shows a bit of information. It's called a tooltip,
and is very easy to implement. One puts the message in the title of an
anchor tag.

Above, I'm having a little joke about Hydro pricing to customers, but it is very
serious business. Imagine a contrary pricing arrangement, where it is less expensive the
more one buys, a bit like potatoes in a 10 pound bag. It would be havoc, because that
extra energy has a resale value; your neighbor could sell you electricity at a
bargain price with respect to that of the utility company.

So there is wisdom in the current arrangement. It tells you to consume carefully
in the winter. And because one consumes less than the allowance in summer,
there is room for a bit of air conditionning when the heat gets too much...

There's really a lesson here for the debate on sugar pricing and consumption.
One should be charged more for sugary drinks as one goes over allowance in a day.
Not really feasible, so maybe one should be double charged the calories
in fizzies or the like (that's the effect on weight, for most of us)...Worth
considering... ;)

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