Saturday, February 24, 2018

Bezier Work

When it comes to ridding a photo of an unwanted white background,
there aren't that many options.There's Photoshop, which makes the white
disappear easily enough, but whose boundary parameters must be considered. Or
there is defining the colored part with a Bezier curve, and the great patience
required for that!!

The Bezier tool available to me on Expression Blend is really Bezier plus.The pure
Bezier tool creates a series of nodes with the pen tool, on which a long left click will
perch the arms of the tangent,and whose length determines how much curvature
one can introduce. Click back on a node and it will collapse and the figure will shrink.
Borrowing from the b-spline tool, a click with pen tool+will affect the entire figure and
all the nodes will turn into little squares- key nodes -and I can move the figure around, or only the
point and its surroundings. I am free to add more nodes on a path.there  is also a transform
 pen to toggle the node type.

Thus, with the help of magnification, the job can be done...

                                          *     *     *

One can actually work straight up in SVG using Expression Blend.One just needs to
change the artboard settings:

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