Friday, February 2, 2018

Practice Project

Now I have an idea about a Web page I would like to create.
It is inhumanly cold again this morning, and the French
language Journal de Montreal has a helpful visual on how a car
battery works (and why it might freeze). I want to produce an English
version of the essential points, which the user could
consult with a click or a hover. So far:

Oopsie: the image is big, and resizing doesn't work. Ideally, I would like
bits of translation to appear on hover; or, I could sacrifice on image size
and keep this model...

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I have an alternative model, usiing imagemap:


Coordinates are x, y, width and height on a rectangle; for a poly, the (x,y)
for each vertex. (0, 0) is at the upper left; this is the convention
for drawing on the canvas in html.

I use Blend to read the coords of the shapes I am interested in.

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