Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Code Dormancy & Bottom Border Nav

How to put code in dormancy. The example below does that to the
button code, meant to add a dark blue background to the page.

Adding the term disabled to the opening tag makes the button inoperative. This is useful
if one wants the user to do something before using the button...

Here I have commented out the button on the html page. It won"t appear at all
until I change my mind about it. This is useful for something one might be working
on for the future...

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In the how-to on the Navigation Bar with an active bottom border, W3 Schools uses
an interesting artifact: a line with a transparent setting for color. What this does is
create the proper spacing in the layout,which further transformation can build on.
( If they didn't, things would move round on hover, which would be odd).

I have illustrated this with an outline on a div, which takes on a color on hover.

Happily, commented-out code does not take up space, as this Plunk shows:

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