Monday, April 23, 2018


I'm a creature of boundless ambition: I've decided to try my
hand at making a true jigsaw puzzle with JavaScript.

These types of puzzle date back form 1760, and were cut on wood
with - you guessed it - a jigsaw. Thus the characteristic interlocking
semi-circles and holes. Why not?

Been seeing what the code might look like from the Math is Fun
puzzle page. Seems to involve the use of canvas and the z-index.
(The pieces can stack up indefinitely, although their actual dimensions
are a quarter area of the puzzle each!?).

My candidate image below, a pouch bag currently on The Bay's website.
And for the impatient, a link to Jigidi which will cut any image into a puzzle.

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Looked at the MIF JavaScript. Daunting. But I did recognize the push function.
Push() adds elements to start of an array; unshift() adds them at the beginning.
Think I"ll be working on a much simplified puzzle...

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