Saturday, April 14, 2018

New Puzz

I have a new  coding project: making a puzzle. I have
created ( with some difficulty 😕) nine pieces from my image puzzle.
It's going to be a head scratcher...

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Been putting the puzzle together from the default HTML5
Drag n Drop features. Problem is, if one tries to drags a picture element
on top of another, it disappears from the game.
And try as I could, this cannot be changed. One thus has to use a dummy
third div to keep the original image. Still fun, though.

(The JavaScript alternative is on the canvas element, and quite complex...)

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I have a playable finished puzzle (Need to work on my slicing...).
Now for the code that heralds a solution.

Code adapted from:W3 Schools

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Found this charming puzzle last night, for the little ones. Easier to code for, as well:

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Got the solution test:

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