Thursday, March 29, 2018

Finding Colors.

If one looks at the color spectrum, there are no primaries or secondary colors;
it is just... a spectrum. That is because it illustrates the visual consequences of
light at a certain wavelength, red being the longer end.

One can also see - looking at the spectrum - what colors one is going through
moving say, from red to yellow: one is going through oranges. This is thus
also true for color picker apps, and the play of colors within them. Changes in the
numbers will reflect this evolution.

Below, the three rgb primaries, on the html color picker. One needs to keep
luminosity at 120 and the three true colors will appear at the very top of the

One can see this relationship in the below chart, as well. On the fifth row, the color
circle is accessible with a primary at every count 5. And sure enough, that's orange
between red and yellow.

                                                *     *     *

From html, both Chrome and Firefox show the same color utility; that in Edge is a bit
different. I have added to the W3Schools code to identify the hex value of a picked color.
On Plunker.

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