Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tab Header

W3 Schools How-to offers a Tab Header example that resembles the previous tab
exercises. It is, however, notable for what it doesn't do. Nowhere is there a
mention of the actual large div that eventually contains the information on display.
By defining the other elements, the div sizes itself...

Also notable: changing the color of the div with city choice. The minute one clicks
on a city button, the id of the div switches as well as its color. The color change
on the button happens with the openCity function. Checking for what elmnt refers to
with an alert informs us that it is indeed the button and not the div.


                                          *     *     *
The example that follows, for full-page tabs, pick sup the same code.
Instead of having the div followed by the buttons, we find the buttons followed by the
div in the body section.Width and height are at 100%, and all items are box-sizing: border-box,
indicating that padding and margins are included in the 100% directive. It does the trick.

All three of the browsers I tested (Edge, Chrome, Firefox) displayed pretty much the
same, at all sizes. It will be remembered that they do not downsize to exactly the
same dimensions, but can be adjusted to be similar.

It all comes down to color, though. Personally, I find dark backgrounds with white
typing harder to focus on than the traditional black on white (or pale). I do enjoy
a change of typeface...

                                     *     *     *

Relying on color contrast to convey important information has its perils. Daltonism -
color blindness - affects 8% of the European male population. It is characterized
by an inability to distinguish some colors in the middle of the color
spectrum: green, red, more rarely, blue . For many, the brightness of colors is loss.
This might be why white on color is often offered as an option, for example on
code editors. The most prevalent form of color blindness is trouble identifying green
and red. (Cones for these colors are on the X chrmosome ( and males have only one),
whilte those for blue are on chromosome 7. If the cones are specific to a primaty color,
information about color is transmitted to the brain by color combinations. The most
prevalent form of color blindness is lack of, or impaired function on either red or green.
The result is a dramatic decrease in the perceptions of colors, although there may be more
shades for those that are perceived.

Color blindness is recessive, which is why is strikes men much more than women. And a
male cannot pass it on to his son, because he only contributes a Y chrmosome in that

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