Sunday, March 25, 2018

Vertical Tabs

The W3 Schools on vertical tabs repeats much of the code of the horizontal
tabs. What makes the difference in alignment is the assignment of 30%, 70%
to the tabs and information, along with a float:left directive. This latter function tells
an element to position itself on the left ( and thus indirectly tells the following element
to squeeze into the right).

In the example below, I have changed 30% to 50%, making it impossible for
the content to take up 70% of the space. It then places itself below the tabs.

What puzzled me about the example is the programmatic assignment of London as the
default city - in the script - but right after the function. So this code opens showing
the information on London, but why doesn't it revert to London after I have clicked on Paris.

The event as here defined is something that happens on load, but not at other
times. It is not a function, and nothing triggers it...

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