Saturday, March 24, 2018


The tabs example from W3Schools allows for certain interesting insights.
I added color, to see how the inherit directive works. Sure enough,
between body, tab and button, inherit will transfer the assigned background color.

Next feature of interest; how display: none can be useful. If I omit it, the
enitre information set will display at once, instead of the currently chosen
one. (Display is usually a choice between 'block' and 'inline').

Finally, evt.currentTarget is used in the function. This is a special request to find
out where the click is being triggered from (In this case, the relevant button).
If I merely request evt.Target, the button info currently on display will not be
paired with the active button.
                                       *     *     *

Also been testing various shades of white. We are in hexadecimals, so the units
go up to 16, as do the tens.

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