Thursday, March 22, 2018

Menu Icon

Working on designing a menu icon: one will be using a div,
and it is customary to place a container div underneath. This allows
one greater freedom to adjust styling later on; the body element is quite limited.
Below, the difference between container and bounding box. Content-box sizing is
the default.

One often needs to specify a clear property on a div: whether it will allow other elements
to its right or left.

 Clear both means just that: nothing on the left or right, here of the container div.

Wanted a pale mauve as background, and with low opacity on everything! The container
is below the icon but the opacity setting affects the icon. Grr!

 Our icon now has a thistle colored background!!

The body element will totally ignore a command to put width at 50%.

Our div container will maintain a margin. And with a border, will show color
above the icon...

Adapted from W3 Schools

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For those in a hurry, W3 Schools offers the possibility of
referencing a longish predefined CSS style sheet. What this does
is allow one to proceed quickly with a Web page design. Below, I am on their page for
placing elements right and left, and merely changed the color on the left
to purple in accordance with their own color scheme.

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Was quietly looking at things in view of tomorrow's coding exercise when i
noticed something new: the Edge browser now does calc() calculations. Tested
it below:


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