Saturday, August 31, 2019

Crucial Math

Interesting but now what!

Riemann himself arrives at a formula thar calculates the Img component
as well. Can I get this to work? This is the crux of the problem!

Africa Fires

25% of annual CO2 comes from forest fires, and 1/3 of that from
South-Central Africa. I was surprised to learn these fires were voluntarily
lit by farmers in an ancestral agricultural practice. Below:

Friday, August 30, 2019

Comfort Food

Made myself a tasty dinner inspired by British food;
because this is what is notable about it. It is a comfort food
cuisine, that makes the best of what is in the cupboard.

What is in my cupboards this time of year is potatoes; fresh, firm
and tasty. Inspired by Bubble and Squeek, made some mash and
in a pan, sauteed a grated carrot, grated zucchini and a small can
of tuna, with a splash of lemon and cayenne pepper. Then mixed
in all that with the potatoes, put butter and cheese on top and let the
top brow in a 350°F oven.

With a solid salad, very nice. Have the two left-over portions in the
freezer for  bad-weather days!


Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate of energy expenditure per unit time 
by endothermic animals at rest.

This is the opening sentence of the Wikipedia article on the suject.
It is a benchmark figure.

The whole discussion is in calories.

It is used to do the accounting of body energy expenditure on categories
of chemical reactions in body, the analog to rent and utilities in one's
monthly household budget.

The numbers provide an estimate for an individual based on simple parameters
such as sex and age.

That said, one's BMR should not be taken as a diet guide by oneself. A health
practioner might look at it when helping a client adjust to a diet; that's it.
And it is not useful to someone watching Netflix from the couch:'Hey I'm burning
just sitting here, better do nothing.' BMR will compare a human to a snake in a
controlled environment, not an average woman to Jennifer Lopez day-to-day.

The dead don't burn calories, even though they are 'at rest'. One's body functions
kick-in with activity, so that an athlete at rest is someone who has been active
and has stopped; not someone first thing in the morning.

The focus of the measure is thermogenesis ie maintaining body temperature.
Indeed, the measure is taken on an animal 'not actively engaged' in digestion.

                                                   *     *     *
An obese person in hospital awaiting an operation - at rest - might be
put on a very restrictive diets. Here in Quebec, fruit, bouillon, after a few days
rice and eventually chicken. If that doesn't work after 8 days, the cycle begins
again until the person is ready to be operated. That's how people are 'reset'.

                                                *     *      *
It is not my intention to be preachy. In fact, I think that many fail
at dieting becauses their brains aren't ready, they are overwhelmed.
No child, regardless of size, is capable of housework before the age of
twelve not because of lack of strength, but because their brains aren't ready.
They can play at housework with a parent, but they cannot do it, the
tasks are too complex. I fear that healthy eating may not be attainable at all
unless we feed each other.

It is that delicate... and human.

                                            *     *     *


It' a play day:

Using the continuation function:


Below, an overview of the forest fire extent in Amazonia.

The region is currently in balance on CO2, but any more
deforestation and it would become a net source of emissions!

source: Le Journal de Montréal

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Hurricane Dorian is travelling over 90°F water, and is expected
to make landfall in Florida as a category 4 hurricane Sunday night.

The satellite image from the Environment Canada page shows
how big it already is:

Friday Morning:

Life of Z

Looking at values for the zeta function on Graph. It is clear one
needs to be between -1 and 1 for negative values to appear.
And given that there are -0 angle readings, I am out of range
through rounding.

Switching to Desmos. Nothing exciting on the additive aspect of zeta. One
gets a rounding zero on the multiplicative side!

Successive multiplications might be enlightening:

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


An interesting article on ecological research in New Zealand


The infamous Cat Eye first came into fashion with the
making of Cleopatra as the Egyptian ruler-goddess. Hair
was puffy, make-up colorful, and this was the apotheosis
of eye liner.

I wore this for a time, in my university days. What was different from
today was the notion that one is making a larger second eye - an envelope -
where an extension of both the lower and upper eye lines meet. Thus, a
bold look for someone seen at a distance, like Cleopatra. The essence
of the procedure was to stretch the outer eye and working from a distant
point, draw toward the lid and lower line at a distance in from the true
corner. On release, a new and larger eye corner.

Oh, and any shadow or glitter top or bottom goes on before the eyeliner.

Tried making one here, in blue. The product I have has a thinner brush
than what I remember.


Those rambunctious Brits are at it again, and I can't
resist commenting. Premier Johnson is proroguing Parliament
to mid-October, the Labour Opposition wants the Queen to
intervene and save Democracy, lady MPs want a war-time
Opposition Parliament, and Nigel Farage is threatening
everybody except the Speaker of the House, who just won't
have it.

In all seriousness, the UK needs a House majority behind the
PM to face the difficulties of Brexit, once the 31st rolls around.

An idea I've been playing with: Why not - initially, at least - go entirely
digital on everything, including the Irish situation. How? Merely take
advantage of the fact that there are two currencies involved in dealings
with the EU, the Pound and the Euro. Britain accepts payment for its
goods at an inflated exchange rate in Euros, the EU sells theirs with a
pumped-up Pound. The difference gets diverted to a Brexit tax account at
the end of the transaction. This simplifies things for everyone, tech jobs
get created, one can proceed by sector. Tourists and drug dealers might
find this unnerving, but everyone else can breathe easy...

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Was having a smartass moment this morning; really
started when I read the Britannica article on the Riemann
hypothesis, which was interesting. Euler found in 1735 that
the zeta function on natural numbers went to pi^2/6; but
he didn't see the connection with multiplying prime numbers
till 1737. What set me off: he was well aware there had to
be symmetry of some sort aroung Re.5 once on the complex plane...

Hey, why not look at that as a possible proof that all the
zeros can only be where they are. So pulled out some numbers below.
Where there is a zero on .5 can surely be used to show there cannot
be one anywhere else!

As expected,zeta(.6 +i) has a larger difference to .5 than the latter to .4.
But then the surprise: zeta.6 at the first zero Img value has the same
value as zeta(.4 + i). (It is in polar form).


Monday, August 26, 2019


There is currently a great deal of debate on the net around
the so-called healthy at every weight issue. It is a nasty ego-bruising
battle I don't really want to embrace, although I do feel
I need to clarify something about the concept of morbid

 It doesn't mean that one's weight is now lfe-threatening.
The people on my 600-lb life are told they are going to die
because they have reached an incapacitating weight and are
still gaining. Very much an issue for a small minority.

There are a large number of - often mature - people whose
weight may have crept up to the point of being 'morbid' ie
disease-causing in and of itself, like putting too much pressure
on joints or too much of a demand on the heart. It has become
a medical issue.

Because the population is aging, and many of all ages are also
sedentary, obesity is now a public health issue. Indeed, obesity
in this sense is now called a disease and health practioners are
free to 'bring it up', even if one is consulting for a sore throath.
I would assume doctors decide whether to do so on a case
by case basis. Let's give these people a break, unless they take
it too far.

Weight control is difficult for everyone: we evolved to starve and
feast, and some of us win too much and get the chubs, while others
win at overcoming this, and are often insufferable moralisers about
it. It is like everything else in life, one needs to pick one's battles.

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                                            *     *     *


Today's problem: understanding T, the Mobius transform.

We need to begin with the multiplication function, which divides
natural numbers into three categories, according to how their
constitutive primes work:

source: Russian Wikipedia

*     *     *

source: GĂ©rard Villemin

source: Wolfram Mathworld

Sunday, August 25, 2019


Good Mood

*     *     *


Europe's Copernicus shows where biomass is currently burning on Earth.
There are forest fires in Africa as well as in the Amazon basin, but what
is burning there will quickly grow back, not the case in the Amazon.

C Integration

Today's problem: seeing how integration works on the complex plane:

*     *     *

*     *     *

*     *     *

Saturday, August 24, 2019


It's actually tantalizing: Riemann's paper seems to be saying
that the number of roots of the zeta function can actually
be ascertained - indeed that all his Ts have roots. In order
to make sense of this, one needs to know what a parametric
equation is:

source: English, French, German, Russian Wikipedia

In effect, this is how physics does math, because - as the Russian
discussion has it - it is important to solve implicit equations
as one works.



Friday, August 23, 2019


Things have been blissfully quiet on the Atlantic
side of North America this past summer; not anymore.
All of a dudden, we have two candidates for hurricane:

source: National Hurricane Center, US.

                                                       *     *     *


Every now and then - and more often in summer - I take
a 4 km walk to the Walmart on the other side of town.
It can be perillous because the parking is great, but there
are no sidewalks. I reward myself by bringing back a
few 'treats': otherwise unbuyable things for which Walmart
has best prices.

Last August, decided to keep a record on my two favourites:
roasted almonds, and canned salmon. Here is what I found.

That's 11% inflation. The Canada Consumer Price Index is at
3.80% for the period. Always knew they were conservative with
respect to 'goodies'!