Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Those rambunctious Brits are at it again, and I can't
resist commenting. Premier Johnson is proroguing Parliament
to mid-October, the Labour Opposition wants the Queen to
intervene and save Democracy, lady MPs want a war-time
Opposition Parliament, and Nigel Farage is threatening
everybody except the Speaker of the House, who just won't
have it.

In all seriousness, the UK needs a House majority behind the
PM to face the difficulties of Brexit, once the 31st rolls around.

An idea I've been playing with: Why not - initially, at least - go entirely
digital on everything, including the Irish situation. How? Merely take
advantage of the fact that there are two currencies involved in dealings
with the EU, the Pound and the Euro. Britain accepts payment for its
goods at an inflated exchange rate in Euros, the EU sells theirs with a
pumped-up Pound. The difference gets diverted to a Brexit tax account at
the end of the transaction. This simplifies things for everyone, tech jobs
get created, one can proceed by sector. Tourists and drug dealers might
find this unnerving, but everyone else can breathe easy...

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