Monday, August 26, 2019


There is currently a great deal of debate on the net around
the so-called healthy at every weight issue. It is a nasty ego-bruising
battle I don't really want to embrace, although I do feel
I need to clarify something about the concept of morbid

 It doesn't mean that one's weight is now lfe-threatening.
The people on my 600-lb life are told they are going to die
because they have reached an incapacitating weight and are
still gaining. Very much an issue for a small minority.

There are a large number of - often mature - people whose
weight may have crept up to the point of being 'morbid' ie
disease-causing in and of itself, like putting too much pressure
on joints or too much of a demand on the heart. It has become
a medical issue.

Because the population is aging, and many of all ages are also
sedentary, obesity is now a public health issue. Indeed, obesity
in this sense is now called a disease and health practioners are
free to 'bring it up', even if one is consulting for a sore throath.
I would assume doctors decide whether to do so on a case
by case basis. Let's give these people a break, unless they take
it too far.

Weight control is difficult for everyone: we evolved to starve and
feast, and some of us win too much and get the chubs, while others
win at overcoming this, and are often insufferable moralisers about
it. It is like everything else in life, one needs to pick one's battles.

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