Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Was having a smartass moment this morning; really
started when I read the Britannica article on the Riemann
hypothesis, which was interesting. Euler found in 1735 that
the zeta function on natural numbers went to pi^2/6; but
he didn't see the connection with multiplying prime numbers
till 1737. What set me off: he was well aware there had to
be symmetry of some sort aroung Re.5 once on the complex plane...

Hey, why not look at that as a possible proof that all the
zeros can only be where they are. So pulled out some numbers below.
Where there is a zero on .5 can surely be used to show there cannot
be one anywhere else!

As expected,zeta(.6 +i) has a larger difference to .5 than the latter to .4.
But then the surprise: zeta.6 at the first zero Img value has the same
value as zeta(.4 + i). (It is in polar form).



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