Sunday, January 7, 2024


 Amused myself with this little exercise. Learned a lot about the spline tool and the various

types of available handles...


The original tutorial:

                                                                   *     *     *

Bard, on what the different handles do (on the side of the canvas...)

**Here's a breakdown of the different handles in Synfig Studio and their functions:**
**Position Handles (Green):**
- Control the overall position of a layer or object in the canvas.
- Appear as green squares around the object or layer.
- Dragging them moves the entire object or layer.
**Vertex Handles (Orange):**
- Define the points that make up the shape of a vector object or spline.
- Appear as orange squares at the corners and along curves.
- Dragging them reshapes the object or spline.
- Adding or removing vertex handles can change the complexity of a shape.
**Tangent Handles (Yellow):**
- Control the curvature of the lines or curves between vertex handles.
- Appear as yellow squares extending from vertex handles.
- Dragging them adjusts the smoothness and flow of the curves.
**Radius Handles (Blue):**
- Specifically for circular or elliptical shapes.
- Control the size of the circle or ellipse.
- Appear as blue squares on the edge of the shape.
- Dragging them expands or contracts the shape.
**Width Handles (Purple):**
- Control the thickness of strokes or outlines of shapes.
- Appear as purple diamonds on the stroke path.
- Dragging them makes the stroke wider or thinner at that point.
**Angle Handles (Teal):**
- Control the rotation of objects or parts of objects.
- Appear as teal circles around the object or part.
- Dragging them rotates the object clockwise or counterclockwise.
**Key points to remember:**
- Handles are visual tools for manipulating various properties of layers and objects.
- Each handle type has a specific color for easy identification.
- You can select and manipulate multiple handles simultaneously for efficient editing.
- Understanding the different handle types is essential for creating and animating shapes in Synfig Studio.

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