Friday, January 19, 2024

Useful Synfig

 I was asked about using Synfig to create useful icons. Here is the


Synfig is useful because one can easily use the predefined shapes as vectors of

any size, like the star - and even amalgamate them - and thus use them in other programs.

One has to be careful, though, in the orginal use of the tool. I can draw a star

with both outline and interior, but if I then crank it around, a shadow of the original

shape remains. I eithr use just the star, or the outline and interior combo with the

outline invisible, as below.


I then do a screen grab of my shape, but now the task is to get rid of the white

background. I copy it to the desktop and open it in Paint 3D. Once there, the 

Magic Select tool will rid me of the background.


Once I am satisfied with the Magic Select process, I do a copy/paste of my shape into

Expression Design (both programs are Microsoft and compatible).  I might be tempted

to change the size of the shape, but it is no longer a vector and the edge will look funny...

I can play with the size within Paint 3D, but in Expression design, that is no longer possible. 

I have to paste the size I want.


I then export from Expression Design. To do that, I have to choose the shape before asking

for export. The image area will have a blue outline...


All done. I now have a usable icon on the desktop.



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