Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 Bone rigging in Synnfig was getting the best of me; everything I was

doing to fix one problem was creating another. I have found a series on Synfig

that explains things in detail, created by a working illustrator with the patience

to explain the process. There are 121 videos in the series, but all only last a few minutes.

Below, bone rigging...

Keeping in mind that the Make Child bone command has disappeared from the recent

Synfig. One uses the Skeleton Tool from the Tool Box, and clicks on the initial bone

with the black dot cursor from that tool, then where one wants the new bone!!

                                                         *     *     *

Why is this little side trip necessary. Because Synfig is an elaborate interface. Consider

the humble rectangle; in Synfig, it is defined by two vector points. If one wants to move

the rec without altering its shape, one needs to left-drag over it so that both handle points are lit.

Only then can one move it safely.

Once a bone and rectangle are linked, one moves the whole by the green dot on the bone.

Disturbing the yellow dot on the bone will elongate the figure. Moving the figure with the blue

rotate button will easily slip to a new configuration. Long story short, one is driven to the

properties panel as the safe way to alter and move the figure...


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