Wednesday, January 3, 2024

So Wrong

 Two down and - possibly - one to go. Women university deans in the US are having

a hard time of it, because they alledgedly failed to condemn hate speech on

campus. Is this a necessary purge in the face of an untenable situation. How could

all three of them be so wrong.

Let me end the suspense of this piece right here. In my view, all three defended free

speech on their campuses, in the midst of a polarized political situation. To say it in

French, 'Ça se défend!'. It was not an unreasonable position to take. And let me add,

if it was progressive to entrust the leadership of important institutions to women in the 

first place, it stands out as misogynistic to not stand by them for not expressing themselves 

as men in a tight situation. 

American Universities now educate people from many parts of the world. Holding on to

one-sided views of complex political situations is also reprehensible. Where was the balance

in the governmental overview of what was happening on campus. These women were cross-

examined as criminals. The legacy of this situation seems to be to slap a political orientation

on certain institutions, such as Harvard. Not an attractive development for their work, or their

long-term prospects for financial support.

Voilà, for my view from the outside...

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