Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 Having reached a respectable old age as a Canadian, there

is one thing I assume to have solved for myself, and that is: how 

to dress for the weather. Well, yesterday proved me wrong!

I wore my standard walking in the snow attire, warm hat, coat with

 a hood and heavy scarf, knee-high slush boots, warmest gloves, good 

eyeglasses and headed for the Walmart Center by the truckers' route, 

to avoid all the car traffic. It's more open air but we are alledgedly in a 

warm phase with above zero highs. I hadn't checked the wind chill numbers


It was my hands. The rest of me was toasty but my hands were getting colder 

and colder. Having reached Walmart, I knew I couldn't go back home without

doing something. I ended up scouring Walmart's for thin women's gloves that 

I could wear underneath my heavy ones, like how we dress as children. I

shopped less but - force majeure oblige - did enjoy a Moka cafe at the indoors

McDonalds. It was incredibly delicious...

There was another unexpected outcome: my hands were, of late,  starting to show 

expanding age spots that were purple-colored. At bath time last night, these were 

back to a pristine even-colored white, and are still that way this morning. Odd!!

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