Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 It's -10C again, and I'm getting ready for my daily outing. Have been

watching Youtube videos about space in the last few days. Also watched

the beginnings of Moon, a sci-fi movie about some pour soul alone on the Moon. 

There is a grim aspect to the whole thing; the sky seems black all the time.

Yes, there are temperature swings because there is no atmosphere; the Moon

is a big rock. Couldn't one create an artifical daylight environment from all

the solar radiation at peek moments...




Looked up Neil Armstrong on Wikipedia. He had earned a number of medals

as a war pilot, and had even ejected with his parachute over his head. He

took over the landing module to guide it to a safe landing spot, and they had

50 seconds of fuel left when they landed. Safe to assume he was running on


*     *     *

Who is this handsome stranger walking against a purple background. Turns

out here was a 'final' version of the walkcycle included in the file all along.

I will be able to complete the Synfig tutorials...😀



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