Thursday, January 25, 2024

Cake Moment

 From the point of view of seasonal rotation, today is a good candidate

for worse day od the year: middle of winter, cold, damp, grey and dangerous.

Are we letting this get to us; there are little comforts available. One such showed

up on my Facebook feed, this morning. A simple but certainly comforting

recipe for Semolina Cake. Translating for you:


That's 1 cup of Semolina, 1 liter of milk, 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 eggs, 1/3 cup

raisins, pinch of salt. 

Get the milk and sugar to boiling on the stove top. Make it rain Semolina and cook for

5 minutes while stirring.

Away from the heat, incorporate the beaten eggs and raisins.

Pour into a buttered cake mold.

Cook at 350F for 30 minutes.

Wait for it to cool before enjoying.

I calculated the calorie count at app. 1600, that's 270 for 1/6th of the cake, using 2%


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Wanted to leave the house this morning, but it is impossible. There is a thin

sheet of ice on everything; and for the roads and sidewalks, that is on top of

frozen over slush. Maybe this afternoon if we manage to get over the freezing



                                            source: MétéMédia

                                                                            *     *     *

It's Pygame Thursday. Player needs to hit the red to score; if he/she hits blue, he looses

a life. For the moment, only 1 red appears. Later refinemets should change one of the

blues into a red afyter a score... It's a dangerous game: I got the Red but lost one Life

doing it!!



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