Friday, February 2, 2024


 So this year's Academy Awards are March 10, and there is a 

bit of an embarassement on the Barbie movie. Neither the leading

lady nor the director are nominated as such,  although the movie was 

the year's big money maker film. This is most unusual.

Actress Margot Robbie said she was happy with nominations the film did have,

including one for herself as producer of the movie. And the director may get one

for the adapted screenplay. "It was a great year for movies', said Ms Robbie. Worthy 

of Barbie, that response.

And worthy of Barbie she was, in that movie. Barbie is a doll, plastic and beautiful

and the vehicle of much childhood play. She has no emotion, we lend her ours.

And Barbie sailed through the movie largely expressionless and adventurous in a dazzling

array of envy-worthy clothes and pink decor. Or rather ever-cheerful, disturbingly

cheerful. Or again looking for her footing. 

Ken's song, 'I'm just Ken!' is nominated and Ryan Gosling is up as supporting actor. Male dolls

are would-be seducers, it would appear. Psychopath!! Incel!? One could make a spin-off...

The doll came out in 1959, and at 9, I missed out on having Barbie dolls. But I do have

a vague sense of malaise about the choice of name. 

Probably a coincidence, but in the post-war years, Klaus Barbie was a German SS agent

recognized as of unparalleled cruelty. In particular, in the week-long interrogation of

French Resistance leader Jean Moulin. Aided by the US, who appreciated his anti-communist

fervour, Barbie escaped capture and return to France for 33 years.

So maybe Barbenheimer wasn't such a mismatch of movies after all. What they were

capable of, what we were capable of.

I honestly don't know.

                                                                        *     *     *


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