Saturday, February 24, 2024

Snow Moon

 Just took out the garbage and got to see the Snow Moon; a full moon

at the peak of winter cold. It is currently -8C, and the sky is very dark

as befits a winter evening.

It was -15C this morning, but we should experience 15C by next Wdnesday. 

It's been really odd to have so little snow all winter. I wore jeans and leggings 

through the whole season. It  gets cold enough to snow, but there is  nothing

on the ground so none of that 'it feels like inside the refrigerator' feeling.

Could get used to this...👩‍🦰

To my Saturday 7:30pm, it is currently Sunday 3:30am in Moscow. And 2C. They seem

to be getting a bit of a break from winter as well!

                                                      *     *     *

"Said Succintly' it is:

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