Wednesday, February 14, 2024


 Been watching a lot of YouTube lately...maybe a bit too much. In any

event, became fascinated to learn about mitochondrial Eve, a female all

current living humans are descended from. She is hypothesized to have lived

200,000 years ago in East Africa and we know about her because certain 

genetic traits are only passed on by females. (In effect, a point of mitochondrial

convergence that can be dated...)

There is also a genetic Adam, perhaps older than Eve, and from West Africa.

Thus the human couple, only they never met.

Still the numbers are impressive. We were hominids(monkey-like) 6 million 

years ago, Homos 2 million, Homo Sapiens 200,000. Homos were the first to 

leave Africa, and use tools. Homo Sapiens, and some would restrict this to 

Homo Sapiens Sapiens, are anatomically similar to us. All living humans are sapiens.

I asked Chat how many generations of Homo Sapiens there have been; didn't get an

answer but 200,000 years at 20 years for one generation gives 10,000...

That's a lot of diapers!!


Human Evolution Interactive Timeline | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program (

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