Tuesday, February 27, 2024

That's a No!

 It's official, Emmamuel Macron has lost his mind, hinting that

sending troops to Ukraine was not off the table. Yes, it is. Yes.

Yes. OFF...THE...TABLE!!!

It appears we are dealing with, don't let Putin think he can win this war.

I have tried to talk about this before. Putin doesn't think anything, not in

this sense of the expression. He is President of the Russian Federation and

the current constitution mandates him to express himself for Russia.

I might add he is also Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Voilà!

Other than that, he gets to visit factories and High Schools...

It just so happens that, at the moment, the same party is holding the Presidency 

and the government, but that is not necessarily the case for the Federation.

In Poland, the government is Progressive and the Presidency Conservative. 

Navalny was trying to break through and de-couple the two, and needed to

convince people this could be made to work. Russia still needs to go forward

on this.

Is this Putin's War. When American media accuse a President of eying his

place in history, it is an exageration meant to snap the discussion back to reality.

Media attacks on V. Putin's delusions of grandeur need to be seen as silly, before

anything else. Either that, or it is a case of Putin's Wars, because the Federation

is always involvd in military interventions somewhere somehow.

There might be mercenaries on the ground in Ukraine; hard to find any reliable

numbers on this. I doubt it will ever become a cause like the Spanish Civil War was.

It is a very dirty, dangerous, high tech war in a country normally the breadbasket

of Europe. So everyone is interested, many have a vital interest. It is also, for

Russia, a bit of beach and I would find it hard to deny them the hope of a Florida


Maybe, fighting in Ukraine is absolving the Federation from having to fight elsewhere.

Asia is a complex place...

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