Wednesday, February 7, 2024


 Just a minor point, but something to consider in discussions

about the Housing Crisis. Rental appartments have changed.

Used to be, when I was a kid, one moved into a box with empty

rooms. Today, it is electrified, there is heating, there are appliances 

and it comes with a parking space.

And there is a rather high standard on those appliances: a washer-dryer,

frigo, stove-top gas plates, dishwasher, reliable hot water for many outlets. 

All bought, amortized into the rent, and no doubt in need of constant repair 

and upgrade. I'd have a look at that!!

People want comforts-of-home appartments. 

It is only in the higher end condo-market that furniture tht is shown is showcase.

Of course, you've got your own, and your own standards!!

One could go on and look at the incidence of the convenience factor, to schools,

to shops, to entertainment, to transport hubs as well. The market is elaborately 

defined to price-differentiate on numerous factors. Heck, one would need a computer to 

model this all out.

I'm musing on all this because I've been watching youtube on rentals in Chiang Mai.

That's in Thailand! Really attractive, at the moment. Hate to break on this turn of events 

but Real Estate rentals are going planetary, and it will have consequences...

                                                          *     *     *

After much trial and error with my Syngfid character, decided the adjustment 

I wanted was impossible without cutting and pasting a one-half cycle. Which

seemed a bit ridiculous. moved on to the next lesson, where it is the background

that moves. it is there that it is explained how to adjust with respect to where to

begin the cycle.

This is the current situation; I will be trying the adjustment next...


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