Monday, May 31, 2021


 source: Le Figaro, AFP May 30, 2021

translation: GoogleTranslate/doxa-louise

Who is Naftali Bennett, this former ally of Netanyahu who now wants to oust him from power?

The Israeli businessman has been in turn advisor to Benjamin Netanyahu and then his rival, while remaining an essential partner: Naftali Bennett, leader of the radical right close to the (West Bank) settlers, could succeed his mentor by becoming the next Prime Minister of Israel.

Naftali Bennet could succeed his mentor by becoming Israel's next prime minister. POOL / REUTERS

Balding head, discreet kippah, Naftali Bennett heads the Yamina formation which advocates botheconomic ultra-liberalism, a hard line against Iran, Israel's sworn enemy, or the annexation of nearly two-thirds of the West Bank, a Palestinian territory occupied by the Israeli army since 1967.

The 49-year-old businessman who made his fortune in tech entered politics late. But since 2013, this figure of the “ religious nationalist ” current has occupied five ministerial portfolios. The last, that of Defense in 2020, led him to the peak of the coronavirus pandemic in Israel, to organize a spectacular mobilization of the army to manage the crisis. " A tailor-made image for an (Israeli) audience desperately seeking a legitimate replacement for Netanyahu, " notes Evan Gottesman of the Israel


One who was killed politically two years ago and who scored poorly in the last legislative elections in March has been able to maneuver in recent weeks to establish himself as a " kingmaker " in thecomplex negotiations with a view to forming a government coalition.

Up to that time, Naftali Bennett had had it both ways and left in doubt whether or not he intended todeliver the final blow to Benjamin Netanyahu, in power for 15 years. It is now on him that the centristYaïr Lapid relies, while he has until Wednesday evening to rally enough partners to his project of " government of change ".

His last-minute rallying to this explosive alliance - which goes from the left to his right-wing party,including the support of Arab deputies - was negotiated at a high price: no less than the post of Prime Minister which will later be taken over then by Yaïr Lapid.

Champion of the Israeli national start-up

Son of American immigrants born March 25, 1972 in Haifa (north), Naftali Bennett who served in the prestigious unit " Sayeret Matkal ", like Mr. Netanyahu, established himself at the turn of the 2000s as one of the leades of the " start-up nation " with his cybersecurity company Cyotta sold for 145 million dollars in 2005. The following year he made the leap into politics for the Likud where he became the right-hand man of Benjamin Netanyahu. Two years later, Naftali Bennett left Likud to head for a timethe Council of Yesha, the main organization representing Israeli settlers in the West Bank, which would become his political base, even though he had never lived in one of these. controversial settlements.

In 2012, he took the reins of the right-wing Foyer Juif, which then joined other micro-parties to form “Yamina ” (right-wing). The Yamina party, known for its muse, Ayelet Shaked, is today led by NaftaliBennett. And the latter succeeded in seducing some of the settlers with strong nationalist remarks.

Example? The conflict with the Palestinians cannot not be settled but endured like a " shrapnel in thebutt ". Or again: there is no Israeli occupation in the West Bank because “ there has never been a Palestinian state ”. Or: " terrorists must be killed not released ", slogan launched with regard to Palestinian prisoners. For example, he had promised Iran a " Vietnam " if the Islamic Republiccontinued, according to him, to establish itself militarily in neighboring Syria.

But Naftali Bennett, father of four children and living in the wealthy city of Raanana (center), alsostands out in his religious right-wing milieu: questions about the place of religion in the State are not in his priorities and he embodies a certain liberalism of values, especially for example on LGBTQ issues.

Saturday, May 29, 2021


 Looking rather nice. Love2d doesn't support radial gradients so

the edge of the clock is an import. I'm also lying in not showing 

that - this morning anyway - the time is one second short. I don't

feel too bad; yesterday, I caught the the html clock equally out by a second...


I'm going back to Games50 and Mario!!

                                                  *     *     *

With an effects face; a bit chaotic. This is why people use shaders

where the computer does the work for a given lighting source...                                        


                                                        *     *     *

Below, have reduced setInterval() from every second to every 200 millisecond:

*     *     *

Best performance on my clock is assured by modifying the order of the code.

If I run the Now() function before anything else in load(), and the update() function

after the draw(), all goes well.


Developers are imvited to consult in the documentation: draw() gets

invoked the minute is mentionned so one wnats to delay the initial 

draw until all the variables are in place...

Friday, May 28, 2021


 In the cool light of morning - and with nothing else going on - my clock

code works without doctoring. Comparing with the W3School's HTML clock,

it seems fine. (The number alignment changes with the font choice. School uses Arial.

I'm showing Futura top, and Garamond on the comparison...)

With Arial:

Solved the numbers alignment problem: needed to use printj() rather then print()

(print formated text) 👧. Defined the wrap limit as the width of the number, and specified

the alignment to 'center'. 

                                                                *     *     *

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 Got a working clock! Need to work on when the minute and

hour hands should advance.The problem I was having was - while

running hand advances on independent timers - I was starting from

the Now function numbers. So starting the clock at 8:30 was putting

the hour clock squarely on 8: big mistake! I've resolved that one.

It would be neat if I could add sixty lines in a halo around the clock

to better time the minute and hour hands. Today's problem...

                                                                         *     *     *

The above clock is doctored with the secinds code given a 1 second head start. 

There is a lesson here: the discrepancy between my clock and computer time is different

as a function of the order in which I call the three timers. Long story short, a computer and a 

precision watch are two different instruments...


 Just Found the solution to my little problem, trying to code

for all three clockhands on a shifting referential. It's called OpenGl,

a standard for graphics which Love2d implements in the draw() function.

Essentially, one can translate and rotate different elements, so long as one calls a

parenthesis of push() and pop(). Below:


Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Here is how the clockface is looking now. No wonder expensive watches

use dots instead of numbers...

Computer Time and Love2d print are in synch; but for the rest. It's uneven

to my view!?

Monday, May 24, 2021

It's a Holiday!

 It is VictoriaDay/lesPatriotes in Canada.HAPPY HOLIDAY! to all. I'm 

in good spirits, having just centered my numbers on the circle. One merely 

asks the font object to return the width and height of whatever text one is writing. 

divide by two and assign to the text, Voilà!

                                                                          *     *     *

I was trying too hard; it's actually rather simple...


Sunday, May 23, 2021


 If my job depended on it, I would keep this code and use

a background clockface image and be done by noon.. But no; 

just for the bragging rights at this point, I would like to have 

Love2d print out the hour numbers.

                                                                      *     *     *

currently have my numbers in an array, and canmake them appear on a circle.

But, the alignment is with the upper left edge of the number, and is not centered.


Saturday, May 22, 2021


 A standard 'graduating' exercise for those learning HTML from

W3schools is building a clock. On the left below, the current model.

On the right, the out-of-the box rotate angle function form Love2d.

Can I build a clock, maybe with a little help from Hump's vector

functions. That's today's problem...

                                                            *     *     *

clock now running the seconds hand from the Hump Timer. Still need

to synchronise with the computer's time. Have yet to figure out how to draw the

numbers indicating the hours...


Friday, May 21, 2021


These are actually all circles for the Love2d draw function.

Just with different numbers of segments; the last entry.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

New Settings

 Been consolidating yesterday's tweening exercise. Have changed the font

and presentation of the opacity reasings. In effect, I have changed the mode

so that there is longer light than dark: now going toward day on 'out-quad' 

and toward night on 'in-quad'. (I know, I know; reading graphs is not a God-given

talent. One needs to keep in mind that time is regular, but things change with respect

to time more or less quickly...)


Am finding Hump really fun to work with. Think what I ould like to try next

is concurrent tweens on the different channels, creating intermediate momnts

between night and day. We are talking gaming, after all...


 Fans of the FRIENDS television seiries are getting their

long-awaited treat May 27, 2021: a reunion episode. I do not count

myself among them; although I have seen a number of episodes

to see what all the fuss was about. It just wasn't that relevant

to me from a demographic point of view. 

Recent criticism that the coming episode was going to be 'lacking

in diversity' ie, with no Black people involved, did make me realize

something about the show. It's unspoken subtext - and maybe one

needs to be in Canada to see it - is that New York is a Jewish city.

That's right; FRIENDS was never a whity_white show at all, it is about

friends across cultural-religious lines.

In an effort to balance things out, allow me to share a hilarious bit

of entertainment that is thoroughly Black and LGBTQ-safe to boot.

Trending on YouTube yesterday, for those who erase their history

regularly. Be forwarned, it is caustic and (might even offend my millenial-garbed

daughter). Whatever; enjoy!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 I've given myself something of a mathematical challenge for

the day. I've got an imge that clarifies to full opacity on a tween.

I would like it to cycle from dark to light and back... on the model

of a night and day. 

The Hump documentation invites one to build custom interpolations

and add them to the library. Hum!!

*     *     *

It was actually in the documentation all along; easy as anything. Well, no.

I spent an awful longtime with either day or night kicking in, but not both.

This is the great peril with interpreted code. It did instill in my mind that

load only runs once. And that functions can say what to do next...

The tweens are now running on 20 seconds each. Now I can worry about aesthetic 

effects, and playability...

Monday, May 17, 2021

Not There

 Canada failed being elected to sit on the Security council twice,

this last time to Norway. Here is what is going on at those meetings

we are not attending:


 I've changed the code slightly on my Back and Forth with

Hump gamestate. Below, I'm now keeping 'Hello!' visible,

and I've added a back to the first gamestate key without the

timer event. Here is the result:

Yes, I can go b and f between menu and game. But once I've changed

the value of text from 'Hello!', there is no going back to it with either key.

In short, once a change has kicked in, that's it!!


👧Been wondering if I could use Hump to create choice for things like time-of-day

backgrounds on a game...

That's today's problem!

                                                           *     *     *

Of course, this can be done and produces a clean switch. Below, on the Mario, 

Character4 code:

Only problem, one opens by default on a grey sky and can only switch to nighttime;

but that's my ineptitude.

And there is a lot of fun to be had with the different tweening models:

                                                *     *     *

Was asked about how to define color:

So, for a custom color, one uses an array; whereas just using the interface,

one fills in a parenthesis for rgbo like for other values.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Back and Forth


Thought using Hump's Gamestate switch function would be easy.

Actually it is, but it took a day of tweaking to get there. Enough about


The aim here is to start fom one gamestate: menu, move to the other:game, 

and then back to menu. Below, the Gamestate starter form Hump documentation:

Yes, one can go back and forth, but Love won.t let me go back to the menu:draw().

that would be a duplicat function. So it is forward to new levels...

                                                                 *     *     *

The code works with gamestates initiated as empty tables. Hump/gamestate.lua has the

code which instructs gamestates to register events. The documentation also

mentions that one can restrict which events one wants to register, from 


A callback and an event are not - strictly speaking - the same thing. An event

is user-generated and in turn triggers a callback. A callback itself is a function

passed as an argument to another function. Love itself has to keep track

of all callbacks.

In switching between states, one is going from one memory stack to another...

Thursday, May 13, 2021


 I'm a Matthias Richter fan, for real.

Been trying to get the background to charater4 to tween to a new color since

yesterday, using knife. Finally switched to Hump and the Richter

documentation: piece o' cake.

One downloads HUMP and adds it to the project folder.

In the load function:

Draw as usual: