Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 Got a working clock! Need to work on when the minute and

hour hands should advance.The problem I was having was - while

running hand advances on independent timers - I was starting from

the Now function numbers. So starting the clock at 8:30 was putting

the hour clock squarely on 8: big mistake! I've resolved that one.

It would be neat if I could add sixty lines in a halo around the clock

to better time the minute and hour hands. Today's problem...

                                                                         *     *     *

The above clock is doctored with the secinds code given a 1 second head start. 

There is a lesson here: the discrepancy between my clock and computer time is different

as a function of the order in which I call the three timers. Long story short, a computer and a 

precision watch are two different instruments...

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