Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 So how does a character like Mario get around (here on the x-axis}. 

If we wnat him to move on response to user input, the most economical

way is to translate the scene coordinates by his scroll rate.

                                               *     *     *

Below, giving myself a peaceful pale grey background on the working examples:

Wondering how to change the shade of grey:

                                                  *     *     *







We are now centered on Mario!!

On Character_3, we get to see mario move from side to side while going

through two images, Interestingly, he faces right or left thanks to the

draw function, which operates a flip on the original right-facing image.

in order for this to be possible, one needs to specify the image center.

Charater_4 not ony has this walking behavior, but also jumps in the air

with a gravity effect. This happens because there is a gravity constant which

accelerates the fall, and decelerates the jump!!

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