Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day 2021

 Hoorah for Mother's Day!!

Below, the learner code for a particle system on Love2d:


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Got my Puzzle game to return the Choose panel as a puzzle in the list. Had to make

a ref[6] and main[6] with the relevant image. Just press 6 👩‍🦳

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Went out for a walk and it's actually a really nice, sunny day. Did find it a bit

sad, though: there was a really long line of cars - I'm assuming the usual brunch

crowd - at the donut shop, now down to take-out.

Made a brunch-worthy little meal when I got home: fried bananas in maple

syrup with cottage cheese, canataloup and bread rusks.

The secret to making this appetizing: remove the little seeds in the middle

of the banana, so that nothing turns brown when you fry the bananas in


After the bananas are roasted, add the syrup to heat. Voilà!

Might have turned out better with dulce de leche instead of MapleS, because

the latter turns to candy when it cools. But for taste, this is awesome...

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