Saturday, May 15, 2021

Back and Forth


Thought using Hump's Gamestate switch function would be easy.

Actually it is, but it took a day of tweaking to get there. Enough about


The aim here is to start fom one gamestate: menu, move to the other:game, 

and then back to menu. Below, the Gamestate starter form Hump documentation:

Yes, one can go back and forth, but Love won.t let me go back to the menu:draw().

that would be a duplicat function. So it is forward to new levels...

                                                                 *     *     *

The code works with gamestates initiated as empty tables. Hump/gamestate.lua has the

code which instructs gamestates to register events. The documentation also

mentions that one can restrict which events one wants to register, from 


A callback and an event are not - strictly speaking - the same thing. An event

is user-generated and in turn triggers a callback. A callback itself is a function

passed as an argument to another function. Love itself has to keep track

of all callbacks.

In switching between states, one is going from one memory stack to another...

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