Saturday, May 29, 2021


 Looking rather nice. Love2d doesn't support radial gradients so

the edge of the clock is an import. I'm also lying in not showing 

that - this morning anyway - the time is one second short. I don't

feel too bad; yesterday, I caught the the html clock equally out by a second...


I'm going back to Games50 and Mario!!

                                                  *     *     *

With an effects face; a bit chaotic. This is why people use shaders

where the computer does the work for a given lighting source...                                        


                                                        *     *     *

Below, have reduced setInterval() from every second to every 200 millisecond:

*     *     *

Best performance on my clock is assured by modifying the order of the code.

If I run the Now() function before anything else in load(), and the update() function

after the draw(), all goes well.


Developers are imvited to consult in the documentation: draw() gets

invoked the minute is mentionned so one wnats to delay the initial 

draw until all the variables are in place...

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