Sunday, March 3, 2024


Spent a little time getting more familiar with the draw tools, on Synfig.

The text tool is easy enough touse, as expected. The text has its own layer.

One might also find calling up the colour palette on the top right very

useful. One chooses a color, and it immediately becomes the fill color.

One is free to add a custom color to the palette, for the project and return to

it at any time.

The draw tool - which I use to draw with my Microsoft pen - has one very

nice aspect. One can determine the brush width on the left, right under

the color box. One can also make handles appear and change the width

of the outline at one specific spot. Thus, not a variety of brushes, but one

brush one can.

And one can always create a region from a closed shape!

There is a sketch tool, but sketches do not appear as layers. One can remove the last

stroke, or clear the whole sketch. It does not save with the project but can

be saved as a separate file. Clearly, meant to be used to try out something.

The top right has a panel giving us the precise location of our tool tip at

every moment...


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