Saturday, March 2, 2024


 A quite fascinating intro to what the origins of entertainment

might have been like:

                                                                 *     *     *

So I downloaded the Yow Kemardi file for the Advanced rigging tutorials.

I'm a skint, I know, and ended up with the uncolorized freebie. But I used this

as an opportunity to create mine with female colorization.  

Not hard to do, but takes time. One needs to isolate each and every element of

the figure, right-click the outline for that piece, and ask for make region. That

creates fill one is then free to colur at will...

The original:




*     *     *

One of the features these tutorials will be making use of is that of making sets.

These are collections of layers one can reference but it is not possible to apply

tansformations to a set as such. More usefully, one can design controls as a set.

The difference, according to Bing/Chat:

Synfig Studio, what is the difference between a group and a set.
Certainly! In Synfig Studio, let’s explore the difference between a group and a set:

Group Layer:
The Group Layer is a special layer that can hold other layers.
It is generated via the Group command accessed through the context menu in the Layers Panel or via the Layer Menu in the Canvas Menu Caret.

Key features:
Grouping: It allows you to group a set of layers together.
Transformations: You can apply transformations (such as translation, scaling) to the contained layers within the group.
Time Offset Modification: Modify the time offset of the layers within the group.

Creating a Group Layer:
Right-click on a layer and choose Group from the context menu.
Alternatively, create it through the New Layer Menu by selecting <New Layer> → <Other> → Group Layer.
Parameters of the Group Layer include Z Depth, Amount, Blend Method, Origin, Transformation, Canvas, Speed, Zoom, and more1.

The Sets Panel allows you to organize layers into sets.
A set is essentially a collection of layers grouped together.
When you right-click on a layer in a set, you can select Select All Children (if the layer is a Group Layer). This action selects all layers inside the group.
Sets help manage and organize your layers more efficiently2.

In summary, a group is a layer that holds other layers and allows transformations, while a set is a way to organize layers for better management in Synfig Studio.

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