Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Two Paths

 Had a bit of a learning day for myself, today. I got clear on how to do

two different path operations: moving a ball on a path; drawing a path so

that it appears grdually...

Ball on path: one draws a path with the spline tool set to outline. On draws a

ball and then links the center of the ball with the path - with both layers selected - 

on a right click anywhere on the path:link to spline. One is then free to animate 

between the ball at the beginning of the path, 

and at the end. The ball will move along the path...


The second way makes the path appear. To do this, one creates a path with the spline tool

set to advanced outline. One then uses the width handles tool ( normally used for

widening or reducing the width of a stroke). Here the stroke is always the same but

one takes the end extra point which appears for this effect and, with a right click, asks
for cusp to flat. The point is then moved to the end of the path to redefine it, and then

to the beginning right next to the starting point. One just plays the timeline and the

path appears...



*     *     *

So I am two weeks in, on my no coffee (read caffeine) reset.

I am grateful for the idea: if coffee helped me through some mind-numbing

mathematics by concentrating my attention, no-coffee is currently getting

me through anxiety-creating coding problems. i am super-chill, and taking things

in small steps. It all gets done. Heck, I've even gone back to German case

declinations and doing better with that. Chill!!!

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