Thursday, March 21, 2024


 The ecliptic is the path of Earth's orbit around the Sun. Some 9 degrees

above and below we find the Zodiac. It is in fact rather touching: a map

of the skyscape divided into twelve periods to coincide with the monthly

new moon. The first instance comes from Mesopotamia, some 1000 BC, 

but a version of this has been found in many cultures. It was the first

human calendar...

Today, it is perhaps a curiosity and the signs are out of synch. Consider that

our sun barrels along circling the center of the Milky Way at som 514,000

miles per hour. Bing/Chat tells me that it has covered 13.6 million miles since

1,000 BC. Still, the Zodiac and its constellation are useful to amateur astronomers.

The night sky is not always the same!!

Zodiac History and Signs Explained | Britannica

Chat's advice: look up in the early evening in a westerly direction.

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The arms industry in Europe, form Der Spiegel:

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