Thursday, March 14, 2024


 Another installment of AspenPlatform Shooter from Codemy. It's rather

neat; on can position a player image on the screen by assigning the image 

to tile number 4, and thne inserting 4 wherever:


Notice, we also have a gackground image as a possible alternative to plain black tiles...

                                                            *    *     *

Day 3, no coffee, Woke up in the middle of the night feeling like

I was being beaten, and every bone in my body was aching with the 

resonnance. Fell back to sleep and slept to 9 am instead of 7, which is

my usual wake-up. Currently getting 10 1/2 hours of sleep per night.

Morning was uneventfull if a little slow.

Walked around to do shopping in the afternoon. The day was lovely and 

warmish but then, I started to feel tired. I mean, really tired. Like all I

wanted was to lie down. Made it back home, and collapsed the moment 

I was inside. Anf thirsty!!!

Been having really strong urges to get Diet Pop (with ice). I won't do it, but 

that is what I am currently craving.

We'll see tomorrow.

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