Wednesday, March 13, 2024


 Bing/Chat has proven invaluable , yet again. I was looking for a tax form

going back a few years, with the thne current numbers for calculations. 

Bing found them; one merely loops through precious versions to the relevant tax year...


(One also needs form TP_1.R, to alter a return or go back to previous years).

                                                        *     *     *

This is the end of day 2, of my one-month coffee fast. Coffee is currently 

my last addiction, the last not entirely innocent substance I consume each 

and every day. Good ideato do a reset.

Firstt day I got a hellish headache. Kept getting worse as the morning

progressed.Finally took 2 aspirin and crashed from 1 to 2. Felt normal

the rest o the day. I never sleep during the day, something I drink coffee

for in the first place, I pace myself but I still put in my days.

Morning day 2 was worse than day 1. Eight in the morning and my headache
was so strong I was nauseous and barely able to stand up. Took 2 aspirins and slept

from 8 to 10 in my clothes. Woke up freezing cold in the middle of it and rolled

some blankets around myself. Woke up from that feeling reasonable, and had cereal.

Felt fine the rest of the day.

Googled coffee fast: symptoms go from days 2 to 9. Cheery!! Coffee does make one

more clear-headed, and protects from Alzheimer's and dementia. On the other hand, caffeine

interferes with collagen production and leads to skin that is more wrinkled.  I need

to see this interlude as a beauty treatment: I'll be taut and demented for the summer!!

We'l see how things go tomorrow...

But it is interesting: I feel coffee deprived those times of the day when I normally

take it ie mornings. This is unlike other addictions where the sufferer misses the substance


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