Friday, March 29, 2024

The Bic C

  Something of a first world problem, I know. Now that I am in a 30-day

no coffee stretch, I am going to have to celebrate Easter without chocolate. 

Because the coca bean also contains caffeine, albeit much less than the

coffee one. 

Dr Berg really alerted me on the coffee problem. Caffeine is something plants

produce to ward off bugs, paralyses and kills them so that the fruit can survive.

I am no bug, but it makes me look at things in a different light. That really is anxiety

I was feeling with my daily dose...

A medical student recounts his experience with caffeine withdrawl, a lot like what I

went through. This is why folks are counselled to cut back gradually and avoid those

awfull crashes. 

He also explains how addiction develops. Powerful stuff:

                                                     *     *     *

Codemy Aspen Platform4, Gravity is now out. The player now falls when off

thre grass tiles, at an accelerating rate ( the ability to jump is coming next).


If the player falls in the water, the game ends, currently indicated with a print\


import pygame
import self as self

#Define a 2d vector
vector = pygame.math.Vector2

#Initialize the game

# Set display surface (divisible by 32 tile size)
WINDOW_WIDTH = 960 # 30 columns
WINDOW_HEIGHT = 640 # 20 rows
display_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption("Aspen Platformer -")

# Set FPS and clock
FPS = 60
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

# Tile Class
class Tile(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
# Read and Create tiles and put em on the screen
def __init__(self, x, y, image_integer, main_group, sub_group=""):
# Load image and add to the tile subgroups
if image_integer == 1:
self.image = pygame.image.load('images/Brown.png')
elif image_integer == 2:
self.image = pygame.image.load('images/Green.png')
elif image_integer == 3:
self.image = pygame.image.load('images/Blue.png')

# add every tile to main tile group

# Get rect of images and position within the grid
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.topleft = (x,y)

# Apsen Player Class
class Aspen(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, x, y, grass_tiles, water_tiles):
# Define our aspen image
self.image = pygame.image.load("images/P.png")
# Get rect
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# Position aspen
self.rect.bottomleft = (x,y)

#Define our grass and water
self.grass_tiles = grass_tiles
self.water_tiles = water_tiles

# Kinematic Vectors (x,y)
self.position = vector(x,y)
self.velocity = vector(0,0)
self.acceleration = vector(0,0)

# Kinematic Constants

def update(self):
# set initial acceleration to 0,0 to start
self.acceleration = vector(0, self.VERTICAL_ACCELERATION)
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
self.acceleration.x = -1 * self.HORIZONTAL_ACCELERATION
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
self.acceleration.x = self.HORIZONTAL_ACCELERATION

# Calculate new Kinematics
self.acceleration.x -= self.velocity.x * self.HORIZONTAL_FRICTION
self.velocity += self.acceleration
self.position += self.velocity + 0.5 * self.acceleration

# update rect
self.rect.bottomleft = self.position

# Check for collisions with Grass
touched_platforms = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.grass_tiles, False) # Return a python list of tiles we touched
if touched_platforms:
self.position.y = touched_platforms[0] + 1
self.velocity.y = 0

# Check for collisions with Water
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.water_tiles, False):
print("You Died!")

# Define our sprite groups
main_tile_group = pygame.sprite.Group()
grass_tile_group = pygame.sprite.Group()
water_tile_group = pygame.sprite.Group()
aspen_group = pygame.sprite.Group()

# Create a tile map, nested python list: 0=no tile, 1=dirt, 2=grass, 3=water, 4=aspen
tile_map = [

# Create Tile objects from the tile map
# 2 for loops because tile map is nested. 20 i down
for i in range(len(tile_map)):
# loop through the 30 elements in each list, j across
for j in range(len(tile_map[i])):
# Check for 0,1,2,3
if tile_map[i][j] == 1:
# dirt
Tile(j*32, i*32, 1, main_tile_group)
elif tile_map[i][j] == 2:
# grass
Tile(j*32, i*32, 2, main_tile_group, grass_tile_group)
elif tile_map[i][j] == 3:
# water
Tile(j*32, i*32, 3, main_tile_group, water_tile_group)
elif tile_map[i][j] == 4:
aspen = Aspen(j*32, i*32 + 32, grass_tile_group, water_tile_group)

# Add a background
bg_image = pygame.image.load('images/bg.png')
bg_image_rect = bg_image.get_rect()
bg_image_rect.topleft = (0,0)

# Game Loop
running = True
while running:
# Check to quit
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False

# fill the display or blit an image
# display_surface.fill("black")
display_surface.blit(bg_image, bg_image_rect)

# Draw the Tiles

# Update and draw sprites

# Update Display

# End the game

Interestingly, we keep track of the player by checking for sprite.collide() with the grass...

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